
I Love Buses
April 3, 2009, 10:50 am
Filed under: Huh?

Please mind your head.

Or it may explode…

December 8, 2008, 5:37 pm
Filed under: Huh?, Ramblings

It’s over. The exams are finally finished, and I’m probably quite finished as well, but not before going through D-Day. “D” can mean a lot of things. It could refer to the day of commencement of a military operation, “death”, or even a particularly voluptuous bra size, none of which I would ever want to experience or have. But D-Day in my case would refer to the 29th of November – the day of my Thermodynamics paper. And “D-day” because it could just be the day that I get my first D. And die. And… Well… Ok, maybe not the bra part. But this is the only paper I have that I’m not really certain I’ll pass, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed, and waiting for 11am on the 23rd of December, when my phone shall decide my fate.

In the meantime, I figured it would be a good idea to shop for coffins before I become too dead to do so. I was eyeing the inappropriately cheerful Kente seller’s coffin sometime back, which looks something like this:


Cool, isn’t it? Just imagine my funeral: Everyone is wearing black and white. Everything else is painted black and white. The mood is quite low, dreary, and perhaps a little sad. And right in the middle of it all is this delightfully bright coffin adorned with all the colours of the rainbow, and then some. Then everyone looks at it, remembers why they’re here, and starts celebrating the fact that I’m finally gone.

But now, I have finally found something that can go one better. It’s as biodegradable as a large donkey, and it proudly proclaims that I can finally rest in peas:


Yes, “Rest In Peas!” it shouts. This particular one is modelled after a crate of peas, which isn’t exactly my favourite food (neither the crate, nor the peas). But isn’t this so much more interesting that being buried in a large fillet mignon? It’s made by a company by the name of  “Creative Coffins“. They specialise in making “environmentally sympathetic” cartonboard coffins (whatever that means), which means that they can pretty much print or write anything they want on the coffin.

So now you know what to get me for Christmas…

SBS Transit Cares For You!
November 8, 2008, 1:24 am
Filed under: Huh?

In need of a seat on the bus or the train? Fret not, because SBS Transit cares for you! They’ve reserved seats on their buses and trains for some special categories of people. So you’re gonna be guaranteed a seat if you are:


 a) A pregnant woman with kids




 b) A fat woman with a beer gut




 c) A man with a coffee cup




 d) A man suffering from erectile dysfunction



Do you have a seat reserved for you???

So if you’re on the bus and you don’t have a seat reserved for you, you may wish to alight the bus. However, you may only do so in the event of an emergency…


December 4, 2007, 6:13 pm
Filed under: Huh?

We’re all familiar with chicken eggs, quail eggs, and duck eggs, and the rich, creamy goodness stored within their shells…

But can someone please tell me where carrot eggs and corn eggs come from???

Week 11: It’s a Miracle – I Didn’t Screw Up (Too Badly)!
November 3, 2007, 5:47 pm
Filed under: Campus, Huh?, Ramblings

I got back around an hour ago from rally practice, and before that, I had my dreaded Statics and Mechanics test, which wasn’t as dreadful as I thought as it would be. In fact, this time, I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna die and get a “U” grade like I did the last time, or we could all die together when we get our scripts back, because it seems everybody wrote the same things as I did. I don’t usually follow the ask-around-for-answers-after-the-test tradition, but for some reason, I did that today, and got a good measure of what everybody else did. So I guess I’m feeling pretty safe.

Rally practice was pretty OK as well. It was scheduled to start at 11am, which meant that it wasn’t possible for me to be at the church on time, since my test ended AT 11am. But when I got there, at around 11.30-ish, I found Melvin sitting in the chapel, alone – no one else had reached the place yet! Nick Lee even got his venues mixed up and got to wrong church! What a laugh that was. But when things finally got started, it was pretty productive.

My parents went on a cruise trip over the week, so I had the entire apartment to myself, which wasn’t as fun as I had thought it would be. I found myself doing what I usually did (besides day-dreaming) – work. All the unfinished work from last week is just spilling over into this week. Looks like Deepavali isn’t gonna be much of holiday after all.
